Half Won't Do
Have you heard the saying, marriage is a 50/50 contract? I've heard it many times and always questioned the idea of that. I remember back in the day when my football coach would ask me to give my 100% on every play and I knew that meant to leave it all on the field. He wanted me to give all I had and then some so our team had a better chance of winning. And what if everyone on our team did the same!! In all things we should give our best which means delivering a 100% effort so that we might succeed at whatever we do.
Marriage is a relationship that deserves our 100% effort. When I'm performing a wedding I always share that each spouse is responsible for an all out, full scale, 100% effort at making their marriage work. So 50/50 becomes a 200% effort between the two. Have you ever been asked at work to give your full 50% effort or would you be happy with a Barista at Starbucks filling your cup of coffee half way? How about a doctor administering partial treatment or a policeman offering 50% protection from an attacker? 50% is not the number you want to hear unless its the percentage off of an item your shopping for. When it comes to your marriage half of your heart and a 50% effort will not suffice. It's 100% from both of you starting now:)
Have you heard the saying, marriage is a 50/50 contract? I've heard it many times and always questioned the idea of that. I remember back in the day when my football coach would ask me to give my 100% on every play and I knew that meant to leave it all on the field. He wanted me to give all I had and then some so our team had a better chance of winning. And what if everyone on our team did the same!! In all things we should give our best which means delivering a 100% effort so that we might succeed at whatever we do.
Marriage is a relationship that deserves our 100% effort. When I'm performing a wedding I always share that each spouse is responsible for an all out, full scale, 100% effort at making their marriage work. So 50/50 becomes a 200% effort between the two. Have you ever been asked at work to give your full 50% effort or would you be happy with a Barista at Starbucks filling your cup of coffee half way? How about a doctor administering partial treatment or a policeman offering 50% protection from an attacker? 50% is not the number you want to hear unless its the percentage off of an item your shopping for. When it comes to your marriage half of your heart and a 50% effort will not suffice. It's 100% from both of you starting now:)